Amplia Consulting
Amplifying Compliance
For companies that thrive for integrity. Ethics & Compliance not only as a legal requirement but as a growth drive. We help Ethics & Compliance teams to build and expand compliance programs to serve business needs. Ethics & Compliance across the value chain.
For companies that have integrity and ethical behaviour as part of their values/culture but are short of internal resources.
For companies that care to do what is right not what is easy.
Ethics & Compliance has a key role to play in your employer branding strategy and in companies’ relationships with external stakeholders.
What We Offer
For companies that have integrity and ethical behaviour as part of their values/culture but are short of internal resources.
State of the art compliance programs tailored to business needs and company risk profile.
Flexible implementation by modules.
Estimated timeline: 6-18 months full program.
Based on company’s strategy and needs.
Our Modules
Who We Are
I have over two decades of experience in legal and compliance matters at Philip Morris International and PricewaterhouseCoopers, and I have worked in several countries including Spain, Peru, Benelux and Switzerland. I speak Spanish, English and French.
As a trusted business partner, I have advised senior management on corporate law, regulatory compliance in a heavily regulated sector, advertising and consumer protection laws, among others. I have occupied senior positions in Ethics & Compliance, building and implementing compliance programs, keeping them current and relevant and promoting a company culture about doing the right thing. I believe in Ethics & Compliance as a growth driver in any company’s strategy.
I am a strong believer and supporter of a culture of respect and collegiality, fairness, dignity and inclusion that fosters diverse workplaces.
Contact us and find how our services can benefit your company.